CP Cases Cyber Essentials Certification

CP Cases is delighted to confirm its Cyber Essentials Certification. Awarded after demonstrating compliance to key levels of protection against cyber-attack.

Cyber Essentials is a Government-backed policy. It is mandatory for central government contracts and demonstrates to you, our customers that we take cybersecurity very seriously. The scheme is an independently verified self-assessment. It is where organisations assess themselves against five basic security controls and a qualified assessor verifies the information provided.

As a provider to the UK Defence Sector and Prime Contractors, our achievement provides even greater assurance when handling personal information and providing certain ICT products and services.

The five basic controls within Cyber Essentials Certification were chosen because when properly implemented, they will help to protect against unskilled internet-based attackers using commodity capabilities – which are freely available on the internet.


The five controls are:

  • Boundary firewalls and internet gateways
  • Secure configuration
  • Access control
  • Malware protection
  • Patch management

For further information please see www.cyberstreetwise.com\cyberessentials